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Looking Ahead to 2022

Looking Ahead to 2022

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The horizon from the beach seems tantalisingly close. Like you we're focussing energy on 2022, so we're pretty excited to announce dates for the Eat New Zealand hui and Eat NZ Grains events next year.

Eat New Zealand hui - Tuesday May 3rd, Ōtautahi/Christchurch

Eat NZ Grains - Wednesday May 4th, Ōtautahi/Christchurch

Put the dates in your newly minted diary or calendar, and we'll see you there for what promises to be a significant gathering of our best farmers to fishers, bakers to chefs and all the rest of us in-between.

Watch the Eat NZ Grains Webinars

Thanks to everyone that joined us on Monday 8th November for our Eat NZ Grains webinars.

We hosted two online discussions around: A Local Grain Economy and Myth-busting from Paddock to Loaf. For those who were unable to join us, you can watch the recordings here.

Huge thanks to our partners; Foundation for Arable Research and Dirt Road Comms. Together we’re working on a better outcome for our farmers and our environment. It's a really exciting time for a Local Grain Economy for Aotearoa and we encourage you to connect with us if that’s your buzz.

Take me to the Eat NZ Grains Webinars!

#EatNZGrains #LocalGrainEconomy

Seaweed: The NZ Food Future

Even though we weren't able to include the topic of Seaweed as part of our Food Hui this year, it was great to be able to work with our media partners - Stuff.co.nz - on the potential of seaweed here in Aotearoa and to bring this story to a wider audience.

You can read the article here. Both Claire from AgriSea and Claire and Troy from Tora Collective shared their hopes and aspirations for the future of seaweed.

Stay tuned for next year's Eat New Zealand hui as we look to continue this fascinating conversation!

Read the Stuff Article: The Future of Food is Seaweed

Claire Edwards of Tora Collective

Jackson Mehlhopt of Gin Gin

Our Eat NZ Kaitaki making waves

It's been incredible to see the mahi from some of our Eat New Zealand Kaitaki recognised over the last month or so. The power in this collective has been one of support, connection and collaboration and we can't wait to see what lies ahead for these purposeful young people...

Head Chef Jackson Mehlhopt of Gin Gin on New Regent St in Ōtautahi was named Emerging Chef of the Year at the Canterbury Hospitality Awards earlier this week.

We had two members of our Eat New Zealand Kaitaki named in the Top 100 legends for the NZ'er of the Year Kiwibank Local Hero Medallists.

Congratulations to Wendy Zhou of Perfectly Imperfect won the Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Kiwibank Local Hero Medallist 2022, for her data-savvy entrepreneur skills and the mission behind her charitable trust that works to prevent food waste.

And to Hamiora (Sam) Gibson - named a Local Hero Medallist 2022 for the Tairawhiti / Gisborne region for his work as an avid conservationist and communicator about wild food and places.

A massive congratulations to Claire Edwards of Tora Collective for winning the Innovation Category at the NZI Rural Women NZ Business Awards for ideas and vision to provide fresh kaimoana in an environmentally sustainable way.

Chef Ethan Flack featured on Breakfast TV last week and spoke to John Campbell about his mission to celebrate Southland food... "We're so fortunate here in Southland to have some of the best raw produce as well as finished products around the country, and if not around the world!"

Jessica Lamb was named Dux at Rotoua Lakes High School, she shared a beautiful story on her IG about how she believes diligence is underrated, and how she went from almost failing a maths exam in Year 7 to completing Scholarship Biology!

Kaitlyn Lamb also from Rotorua was selected to attend the Bayer International Youth Summit and spoke to Radio New Zealand recently about her ideas here.

Wendy Zhou of Perfectly Imperfect

Sam Gibson

As always we'd like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of our sponsors and partners including the Ministry for Primary Industries, ANZ, Our Land and Water, AgResearch & Anchor Food Professionals.


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